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Econ One’s expert economists have experience across a wide variety of services including antitrust, class certification, damages, financial markets and securities, intellectual property, international arbitration, labor and employment, and valuation and financial analysis.


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Life at Econ One

We know how to combine theoretical and empirical analyses. We not only have the capability to develop sophisticated economic and econometric models, we have the experience and know how to dig through the data and documents to make sure the facts of the case match the theory of the case. By using analytical approaches grounded in the state-of-the-art economic methods, we’re able to build a meaningful model that withstands scrutiny one based on the reality of the business and on data appropriate for the task.

In economics, good research goes much further than numbers alone. It entails careful consideration of all that the numbers might mean, including some things that are not readily apparent. Through careful, thorough research, we strive not to miss the subtle implication or alternative explanation. When we present our conclusions, we have answers for the questions we set out to tackle and for less obvious, often crucial questions others might not think to ask.

Our clients are at the center of the Econ One universe.

Our job is more than collecting data, producing charts, creating tables and then leaving it to the clients to reach their own conclusions. We take our clients through the research one step at a time. We present our conclusions logically using concepts that are easy to understand. It’s a process that is practical and productive. Our experienced project management minimizes learning time, false starts and unnecessary costs while ensuring the efficient use of resources. It doesn’t take an economist to tell you it all adds up to value for our clients.