Econ One’s expert economists have experience across a wide variety of services including antitrust, class certification, damages, financial markets and securities, intellectual property, international arbitration, labor and employment, and valuation and financial analysis.
Econ One’s expert economists have extensive industry specific experience. Our industry experience spans numerous industries including electric power markets, financial markets, healthcare, insurance, oil and gas, pharmaceutical, and more
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M.A. in Economics, Claremont Graduate School
B.A. in Economics, California State University, Long Beach
Econ One, July 1997 ā Present
Micronomics, Inc., 1988 ā 1997
Alaska Public Utilities Commission
California Public Utilities Commission
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
Alaska State Legislature
California State Legislature
State Courts
U.S. District Courts
Arbitration Panels
Sempra Energy subsidiary San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E) filed an application with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to build and operate 5,500 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in its service area as part of a pilot program starting in 2015.Ā Ā SDG&E’s application was opposed by a number of intervening parties, including ChargePoint, the nation’s largest provider of Electric Vehicle charging services. The interveners argued that SDG&E’s entry into the market and proposed rate structure were anticompetitive, and would cause other suppliers to leave the market.
Econ One was retained by Sempra Energy to analyze the potential competitive impact of SDG&E’s entry into the market for Electric Vehicle Charging Services in San Diego. Barry Pulliam testified on SDG&E’s behalf at a hearing before the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California.Ā Mr. Pulliam testified that SDG&E’s proposal was not anticompetitive and would help grow the nascent market for fueling services in San Diego and California, as well as adoption rates of Electric Vehicles consistent with State policy goals.