Econ One’s expert economists have experience across a wide variety of services including antitrust, class certification, damages, financial markets and securities, intellectual property, international arbitration, labor and employment, and valuation and financial analysis.
Econ One’s expert economists have extensive industry specific experience. Our industry experience spans numerous industries including electric power markets, financial markets, healthcare, insurance, oil and gas, pharmaceutical, and more
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In an ICSID arbitration, three subsidiaries of the ConocoPhillips Company, ConocoPhillips Petrozuata B.V., ConocoPhillips Hamaca B.V., and ConocoPhillips Gulf of Paria B.V., claimed damages from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela for their interests in three oil projects known as Petrozuata, Hamaca, and Corocoro. Econ One was retained by counsel for Venezuela to provide expert analysis on quantum. Dr. Anthony Finizza, Dr. Daniel Flores, and Dr. Jeffrey Leitzinger authored several expert reports regarding quantum issues and testified at the hearing in The Hague.